C2 Short term joint staff training event: Virtual Forests project outputs

The objectives of this Intensive Period are (1) to promote professionals with the project and among consortium partners and (2) test the functionality and effectiveness of VirtualForests project intellectual outputs. The 3 days workshop will be held in a hybrid format to host project partners, students and professionals both in-person and online. We plan to review 6 different tools under development by the project using the following approach:
1. A general presentation of the tool by the developer
2. Self-training on the online tool and review of the associated materials, website, etc. Perform some tests and fill an evaluation form
3. A joint discussion to collect feedbacks, suggestions for area of improvements and a realistic assessment of the dissemination/ upscaling potentials
- IO 1: Integrated Marteloscopes Virtual ForestTours - José Reque Kilchenmann. UVA, Spain.
- IO3: Internet of Trees - Francisco Gallego Ciprés. Cesefor, Spain.
- IO3: Internet of Trees II: Sergio Morcuende Parrilla. Cesefor, Spain.
- IO4: Linked Open Data in modelling and simulation platforms - Guillermo Vega Gorgojo. UVA, Spain.
- IO5: Chatbot development for student information and buddy teaching assistant for leveling students. Eduardo Gómez Sánchez. UVA, Spain.
- IO6: Citizen involvement in Forestry: MOOC. Myriam Legay. AgroParisTech, France.
- IO8: Virtual Forest Twins Based on Marteloscope Point Cloud Data. Kevin Beiler. HNEE, Germany.