Virtual Forest Twins based on Marteloscope point cloud data from different forest ecosystems type and its associated teaching workload

The main task in a sustainable silviculture and ecological forest management is to decide which tree shall be harvested and which one will be allowed to grow as a future tree. Changing ecological conditions and climate change triggered by the industrial revolution, influence working and learning conditions in forestry. So far foresters are informed by observation of actual forest stands – decisions are often based on assumptions and guesswork about prior management decision. Foresters lack real world laboratories for forest decision making and sustainable management.
In the scope of this project, a real forests stands and a selected marteloscope sites will turn into full 3D realistic virtual forest twins and digital examples of open blended learning sites for forest higher education as well as for crowd sourcing and citizen science activities of stakeholders. Such virtual 3D forest twin integrates typical augmented reality means like the reproduction of specific scenarios which go beyond the pure theoretical dimension into virtual forest ecosystems and virtual timber production sites.
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