Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l'environnement, Agro, Paris, France

AgroParisTech is a higher education and research institution aiming at addressing some of the main global challenges of the 21st century: feeding a growing population while
sustainably managing territories, preserving natural resources, supporting innovation and developing the bioeconomy. While doing so, it addresses the following fields: agricultural
sciences and technologies, forestry, life sciences, food technology, biotechnologies, environment, nutrition, health, land and natural resources management, as well as related public
The institute offers high level training for Master of Science in Engineering, Master of Science and PhD students as well as lifelong learning programs, while focusing on research and
innovation thanks to its joint research units. AgroParisTech is organized in 5 education and research departments.
- Agronomy, Forestry, Water and Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- Life Sciences and Health
- Sciences and Engineering for Food and Bioproducts
- Social sciences, Economics and Management
- Modelling: Mathematics, Informatics and Physics
In 2020, AgroParisTech is ranked 3rd at the European level and 4th at the global level by the QS Ranking for the subject “Agriculture and Forestry” and is a component institution of
Paris-Saclay University which is ranked 14th by the Shanghai Ranking’s global ranking of academic subjects 2020 (Agricultural Sciences).
Key figures about AgroParisTech: 250 academic staff; ~550 engineers, technicians and administrative staff; 22 joint research units and 1 research & development unit; 2300 students
(~16% international) including ~350 doctoral students (~34% international); 10 campuses; 200 international academic agreements in 47 countries. AgroParisTech connects with its
socio-economic environment through different activities including setting-up Research and Training Chairs (8 ongoing) and fostering innovation through its 5 InnLabs (pre-incubators)
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