International Learning Locations in non-European forest ecosystems

Open Educational Resources for the International Learning locations: analysis of available datasets to (i) tropical forest dynamic (mortality, recruitment, growth,...), (ii) ecological diagnostic (the link between ecological conditions and species distribution) and stand composition analysis. Available datasets: Vietnamese marteloscopes currently established (under BioEcon Erasmus + project) in Hoa Lac (2) and Xuan Mai (1) and in Thai Nguyen province (1), openly available data from GBIF ( plus selected PARACOU (French Guyana, and FIPI (Vietnam) datasets
There is a lack of access to realiable tropical sites and datasets for high quality forest education in Europe. At the same time forestry in the tropical forest areas became crucial for many European policies as is shown byt the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnerships Agreements (VPA), REDD+ (or REDD-plus) initiatives to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation in developing countries, and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries or the forest based Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in tropical countries. A new generation of European foresters must be trained to work in the tropics or on the tropical initiatives. The Open Educational Resources developed will be available for online training in European HEI willing to include tropical examples in their curricula. Additionally, local learners overseas could take advantage of these resources increasing the projection of the European partners and its visibility