Jun 06, 2023 by admin
Multiplier event in Eberswalde : 3D mapping and spatial analysis
One more Virtual Forests multiplier event will take place this week in Eberswalde, Germany.
This multiplying event will bring students and professionals closer to the possibilities offered by virtual visits to forests in marteloscopes and 3D maps of stands both in forestry and in forestry education itself.
The Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development will host this VirtualForests project multiplier event, which will be an introduction to forest stand mensuration based on remote sensing technologies, 3D stand virtualization and growth simulation, and related analytical pipelines.
The localtion will be: Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) – Forest Campus.
Alfred-Möller- Str. 1, 16225 Eberswalde, Germany; Building 11 Rm. 11.001
The event can be followed live at: Live stream
Guest Speakers:
Ruben Saornil Minguez from University of Valladolid, Spain
Prof. Vu Van Manh from Vietnam National University- Uni. of Science Hanoi
Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund & Dr. Kevin Beiler from HNEE, & others